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Mastering Your Ecommerce Content Strategy

Learn how to Create an Ecommerce Content Marketing Strategy that Works with Quattr

Sanjoli Arora
Ecommerce content strategy Hero Image

Many people believe that the most crucial element of an Ecommerce site is the design. But what many forget is that the content is even more critical. The content is what sells the product and convinces the customer to buy it. If the content is well written and provides information that the customer is looking for, they are more likely to purchase the product. Content is vital to a successful Ecommerce site. 

But creating content without a strategy is just throwing darts in the dark. A content strategy for Ecommerce helps give direction to the content creation process. The content should be relevant to the products on the site and provide information to the customers. A good content strategy can help you sell your products and help you reach your revenue goals.

Creating an effective and coherent content strategy for your Ecommerce website can take time and effort. Consider several factors- from user experience to search engine ranking factors. With so many Ecommerce websites failing due to poor content strategy, it's more important than ever that you get yours right before going live. 

Our blog explores critical areas you need to consider when creating a content strategy for an Ecommerce website. What tactics do you need to use, why do you need to optimize content regularly, and how to effectively build a content marketing plan?

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The Value Of An Ecommerce Content Strategy

Ecommerce websites are different from many other website types. They are a mix of different types of content that need to work together to convert visitors into customers. With such a wide variety of content-driven elements on a website, it is essential to have a strategy in place. 

An Ecommerce content strategy is about how you will create and manage the content on your website. It is essential to do this effectively and logically to make your content valuable for customers. A content strategy will help build relationships with your customers and turn them into loyal repeat buyers.

Benefits of Ecommerce Content Strategy

1. A content strategy helps you organize all content formats and types. Ecommerce websites have many different types of content - from product descriptions and images to payment details and blogs. All these content types need to be created, distributed, and marketed differently.

2. The right content strategy helps customers easily navigate your site and find the products. If the customers are still looking for a product, they are more likely to leave the site and not purchase anything. 

3. A content strategy will help you optimize your site's content for high SERP rankings. It will help you focus on the right keywords and phrases so that your customers can easily find you on search engines.

4. A well-executed ecommerce content strategy can guide potential customers through the sales funnel, from awareness to purchase and beyond. By creating content that addresses their needs, concerns, and pain points, you can build trust, establish authority, leading to higher conversion rates.

5. Sharing content can help you build a loyal community of followers on social media platforms, amplify your brand reach & drive traffic to your ecommerce website. Engaging with them can also facilitate two-way communication with your audience, helping you understand their preferences, feedback, and needs.

6. Implementing a well-planned ecommerce content strategy can give you a competitive edge in the online marketplace. By consistently producing high-quality content that resonates with your target audience, you can differentiate your brand from competitors, position yourself as a thought leader, and stay on top of your customer's minds.

Ecommerce SEO & Content Strategy

Search engines are the key to ensuring you are searchable online. You need to give search engines the correct information to help them know who you are and what you are about. A content strategy will help you become more search-engine friendly.

You can use the right keywords and phrases to attract the right customers to your site. You need to know what keywords and phrases to focus on and create content for it. Understanding what your customers are looking for and what information they want is essential. You can then use this to focus on the right keywords for your website. 

A content strategy for Ecommerce websites is optimizing your content for search engines. You want the search engines to find your website and rank you highly. You want the customers to see your site as the first choice when they type a keyword into the search engine.

You must consistently create and optimize high-value content around relevant keywords to drive organic search traffic. Organic search optimization translates to massive savings on paid advertising and a better ROI of organic v/s paid search.

How to Create an Ecommerce Content Strategy?

Creating a content strategy for your Ecommerce company does not have to be complicated. Here are the list of steps that to help create an ecommerce content strategy covers all necessary aspects:

Step 1. Define your goals

What do you want your content to achieve? Increase brand awareness, drive organic traffic, convert customers, or above. Once you know your goals, you can create tailored content. Goal setting should follow the SMART framework to make your content goals realistic and achievable.

Ecommerce content strategy: SMART Goals
S.M.A.R.T Goals for Content Strategy

Step 2. Identify your target audience

Whom do you want to reach with your content? Creating buyer personas ensures your content is relevant and exciting for your target audience. Knowing your audience helps determine what content they like to consume. Before we move to the next step, let us first understand the difference between audience and buyer personas. 

Audience and buyer personas may seem interchangeable, but there is a crucial difference. The audience is a generalized representation of your target market, while buyer personas are a more detailed depiction of your ideal customer.

Audience description can help understand your target market, but buyer personas are essential for creating relevant and targeted content. When creating your buyer personas, be sure to include information such as:

1. What are their pain points?

2. What are their interests?

3. What are their biggest concerns?

4. What are they looking to buy?

5. What websites do they visit?

6. What influencers do they follow?

By understanding your target market to this level of detail, you can create relevant and valuable content.

Step 3. Research your competition

Once you know your target market, you want to know how your competition creates content for them. After all, you both are creating content for the same audience. How can you stand apart and ensure you win the SERP battle?

Researching your competition can give you ideas for what content to create and help you understand what strategies are working well for them. Analyzing online sentiment can help you identify any potential branding issues you need to address, and keeping on top of industry trends will ensure that your content is always relevant.

Competitive research also highlights keyword gaps & content formats you should explore to ensure competitive parity. Various SEO tools can help highlight competitive gaps for critical pages. One such SEO tool is Quattr.

Quattr shows how competing pages perform against top search intents and keyword clusters. You can compare your web pages' performance against top-ranking factors with different competitor pages and analyze gaps beyond keyword emphasis.

Compare ranking factors against top Ecommerce competitors in Quattr
Quattr allows you to compare ranking factors with top SERP competitors

Improve web pages for keyword relevance and topical authority in Quattr’s sandbox environment. Test how content optimization efforts affect your overall ranking factor scores and ship changes with confidence.

Ecommerce Content Optimization with Quattr platform
Improve Content Quality and test scores before publishing in Quattr's sandbox environment

Once you achieve parity, you can scale and beat the competition with unique value propositions on certain aspects and topics.

Step 4. Audit your current Content Strategy

Now that you understand your target market, goals, and competition, it's time to audit your content strategy. Understand your content creation cycles and analyze how your content is performing.

Auditing your content will help you identify what needs to be improved. It will also help you understand what content formats work well for you and what content resonates with your audience. A few areas you need to focus your audit on include: 

1. Page rankings:

What are your top pages? What content is ranking on the first page of Google? Can you identify any patterns?

Look for what content is working and focus on optimization efforts like internal linking and structured data that may be present on top-ranking pages. Are these efforts bringing conversions or earning extra real estate on SERPs with rich snippets?

Tracking and analyzing page rankings needs to be a constant cycle since it can give you insights for improvements. 

2. Know your products & their benefits:

Ecommerce is all about selling products. The consumer will only buy the product if they need it or see a benefit. Your consumer will only realize the benefit if you share them.

Thus a deep knowledge of your product and its features/benefits is essential for you to sell them. It will ensure that your product descriptions are on point and that your content highlights these aspects.

3. Audit your Existing distribution channels & schedule

Your Ecommerce content distribution channels are just as important as the content itself. You must ensure that your content is being distributed in the right places and in the right way. 

The various channels you can optimize include owned, earned, and paid media. When creating your content distribution strategy, consider each channel and how best to distribute your content through them.

When deciding the channel and frequency, learn how your audience consumes content. Is your audience more likely to be on social media or receive communication via email? Do they want to know about a new blog via social media but prefer to get sale/discount coupons in their inbox?

You need to be at the right place (channel) and time (posting schedule). A content calendar can help plan your content, ensuring that you have covered various content types and topics. It can also help you track your progress and meet your content goals.

It is essential for you to know and cover all these aspects during your audit process.

Step 5. Optimize & Publish New Content

Many websites ignore content optimization's power and immediately dive deep into creating new content. Old published content already has some history on SERPs; optimizing it can ensure quicker changes in SERP rankings. Read our content optimization guide to learn more.

When creating new content, ensure it aligns with your target market's needs. You also must ensure that all the content you publish is in sync with your goals and has similar messaging and a constant tone of voice. 

A style guide can help you achieve the same. It is essential to ensure that all of your content has a consistent look and feel. A style guide will help to strengthen your brand and create a unified voice.

A few things to note when publishing new content include:


1. Optimize for search engines.

Content creation must take SEO into account at the beginning. Use the right keywords and format your content to make it easy for search engines to understand.

2. Publish on your website.

Your website should be your number one priority when publishing new content. It is where your target market will be most likely to find it. Ensure your website is well-optimized for search engines and that your content is easy to find.

3. Publish on social media.

Social media helps reach a wider audience. Make sure to post your content on all your social media channels, and use social media wisely to drive traffic to your website.

4. Publish in other places.

In addition to your website and social media, you can publish your content in other places, such as industry publications, blogs, and forums. Multiple distribution channels help you reach a wider audience and expand your reach.

5. Publish at the right time.

Publishing your content at the right time is essential for reaching your target market. Time your posts according to when your target market will most likely be active.

Following these steps, you can create a content strategy to help you achieve your business goals.

Step 6. Measure, Test, and Iterate

Once your content strategy is in place, tracking your progress and measuring your results is more manageable. It will help you identify what is working well and what needs improvement. It will also help you understand what content formats are most effective.

Testing and iterating your content is essential for continued success. Try new content formats and distribution channels, and test different ways to reach your target market. By doing this, you can continue to improve your content strategy and achieve even better results.

Why Ecommerce SEO Content Optimization?

Ecommerce SEO is the subset of SEO that helps online stores improve their visibility and drive more website traffic. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, and the factors influencing SEO rankings are continually evolving. To beat your competition, you must regularly update your content.

Content optimization is the most critical aspect of Ecommerce SEO. To improve your visibility and drive more traffic to your website, you need valuable, fresh content relevant to your target audience.

Optimize Ecommerce Product Pages for Content SEO

Here is a list of points to remember when optimizing Ecommerce product pages for content SEO:

1. Keyword-rich titles and descriptions.

Target the right keywords so your product pages can rank higher in search engine results pages.

2. Use high-quality images. 

Images in Ecommerce play a vital role in convincing shoppers to make purchases. Pictures also help to engage your website's visitors and can also help to improve your website's search engine rankings by appearing on image searches. Learn more about SEO image optimization.

3. All product pages should be indexable.

Submit a sitemap in Google Search Console and let the search bots crawl your website. Indexation is the first step to ensuring SERP rankings.

4. Include relevant structured data markup. 

'Product' schema markup will help to ensure that your product pages don't just appear in the top ten results but are also features in rich snippets like the 'shopping' tab. Use a schema validator to test and see if Google can read it. 

5. Optimize your website for mobile devices.

More and more people are using mobile devices to access the internet. Having an Ecommerce mobile-friendly website is vital. Creating a Progressive Web App (PWAs) or even a downloadable app for mobiles is a plus point. 

6. Ensure fast-loading web pages.

People do not like waiting for a website to load, so ensuring that your product pages load quickly is vital. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to check the loading speed of your website and make the necessary changes to improve page load times.

7. Monitor your product pages' search engine rankings.

You want to ensure that your product pages rank as high as possible on search engine results pages. You can monitor rankings on GSC or any other SEO tool. 

Quattr is one such SEO tool that can help you track the SERP rankings of top pages against competitors. Quattr allows you to compare with competitor pages for primary search engine metrics like clicks and impressions and business metrics like market share.

Ecommerce content strategy & analysis in Quattr
Ecommerce content strategy & analysis in Quattr

Understanding how your pages perform can move the needle in your content optimization efforts. With Quattr, you can pinpoint precisely what keyword clusters or intents you need to optimize for and what ROI these updates will bring. Find out more on how to maximize content ROI with Quattr.

Optimize Ecommerce SEO for Conversions

An Ecommerce website aims to convert as many visitors into customers. You want to show the products in a way that makes them appealing to the customers and makes them want to buy them. 

A content strategy can help with this by providing the correct product information. The products need to appeal to the customers. The content needs to be accurate but also valuable for customers. Make sure you utilize the E-A-T principle when creating content

There are many ways to optimize Ecommerce websites for conversions, but the most important place to start is with the user experience (UX). Here are five tips to help improve the UX of your Ecommerce website and boost your conversions:

1. Ensure user-friendly website navigation

Your Ecommerce website should be easy to navigate, with clear category labels and search functionality. Users should be able to find the products they want quickly without searching through a maze of irrelevant items.

2. Facilitate navigation with breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs provide a link trail showing users where they are on the website and how they got there. Breadcrumb navigation help users quickly find their way back to the homepage or any other page on the site.

3. Use compelling call-to-action (CTA) buttons

Your CTA buttons should be clear and easy to see. They should also stand out from the surrounding text and be persuasive enough to encourage users to click on them. CTA button texts should be lucrative and descriptive. 

4. Include social proof

Customer reviews can be an effective way to persuade users to buy a product. Ensure your Ecommerce website has a system for collecting customer reviews and displaying them prominently on the product page. Include review schema markup code so search engines can highlight them on SERPs.

5. Offer a positive user experience.

Improve and optimize your Ecommerce website's UX to ensure it is visually appealing and easy to use. Keep the design simple and intuitive, and test your website on different devices to ensure it looks and functions well on all platforms.

Follow these tips and ensure they are part of your content strategy. It will help improve your Ecommerce website's UX and boost your conversions.

Optimizing for Ecommerce Sales Funnel

Ecommerce content marketing plays a critical role in optimizing your sales funnel. Creating and distributing relevant, valuable, and engaging content can attract, engage, and convert potential customers at each sales funnel stage. Here's how ecommerce content marketing can optimize your sales funnel:

1. Top of the Funnel (TOFU): At the top of the sales funnel, content marketing helps generate awareness and attract potential customers to your ecommerce brand. It can include blog posts, social media posts, infographics, videos, and more that target your ideal audience and pique their interest in your products or services.

2. Middle of the Funnel (MOFU): In the middle of the sales funnel, content marketing helps build interest and consideration among potential customers. It can include content such as product guides, buying guides, how-to articles, and case studies that provide valuable information and showcase the benefits of your offerings. Engaging content can nurture leads and move them closer to making a purchase.

3. Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU): At the bottom of the sales funnel, content marketing helps facilitate decision-making and drive conversions. It can include content such as product demos, customer testimonials, limited-time offers, and discounts that encourage potential customers to take action and make a purchase. Compelling content can influence purchasing decisions and drive sales.

4. Post-purchase: Content marketing can also optimize the post-purchase stage of the sales funnel by providing post-purchase support, order tracking information and product usage tips. It helps enhance customer experience, build loyalty, and encourage repeat purchases, increasing customer retention and sales.

Develop an Ecommerce Content Strategy That Works

A content strategy is an essential part of any successful ecommerce website. Regular updates are critical to maintaining relevance, attracting customers, and keeping your website competitive. With an updated content strategy, you can avoid falling behind the competition, failing to engage customers, and overlooking growth opportunities. 

As time goes on, you will need to add more and more content to your site that is engaging and helpful. An effective Ecommerce content strategy plan will help you create valuable content.

An updated content strategy can help you create targeted messaging for the right audiences, engage customers in meaningful ways, and increase the visibility of your products. 

Content strategy can drive traffic to your website, build your brand, and stay ahead of trends. It will result in high SERP rankings and improved search engine performance. Ultimately, an up-to-date content strategy can result in an enhanced customer experience, increased brand recognition and loyalty, and improved search engine visibility, all of which lead to more robust sales.

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Ecommerce Content Strategy FAQs

What is Ecommerce Content Strategy?

An Ecommerce content strategy is a set of tactics and techniques used to create, optimize, and promote content that helps to drive traffic, sales, and conversions for an online business. It includes creating informative and exciting content for potential customers, using SEO, social media, and other marketing channels to drive visibility and engagement, and optimizing content for search engines.

How can a Content Strategy Framework help Ecommerce websites?

A content strategy framework helps Ecommerce websites by providing an organized content creation, management, and promotion plan. It enables the site to generate meaningful, engaging content that resonates with its target audience and drives more traffic. It helps prioritize content creation and create a unified vision for the website. It ensures regular content optimization for maximum visibility, engagement, and ROI.

Can Ecommerce Content Strategy help boost SEO rankings?

Yes, an Ecommerce content strategy can help boost SEO rankings. Good content can help build trust, create engagement, and attract more visitors to your Ecommerce website. By including relevant keywords and optimizing content for search engines, your website will have a better chance of appearing higher in search engine rankings.

About The Author

Sanjoli Arora

Sanjoli Arora is the Marketing Manager at Quattr and helps our customers create intent-driven content that ranks on search engines. She writes about content marketing, digital marketing, conversion rate optimization, user experience and SEO technology.

About Quattr

Quattr is an innovative and fast-growing venture-backed company based in Palo Alto, California USA. We are a Delaware corporation that has raised over $7M in venture capital. Quattr's AI-first platform evaluates like search engines to find opportunities across content, experience, and discoverability. A team of growth concierge analyze your data and recommends the top improvements to make for faster organic traffic growth. Growth-driven brands trust Quattr and are seeing sustained traffic growth.

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