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How to Monitor & Submit Sitemaps in GSC?

Guide to Sitemaps in Google Search Console

James Gibbons
Sitemaps in Google Search Console

Sitemaps can play a crucial role in improving a website's crawl efficiency. Sitemaps make it easier for Google to crawl and index your website, ensuring all your pages are discovered ‘and included in search results.

Google Search Console is a free tool that can help you monitor your website's sitemap and ensure it is accessible by Google crawlers. Submitting your sitemap in GSC lets you inform Google of any updates or changes to your website content, ensuring that search results display the most up-to-date information for users. In this blog post, we will dive into the importance of sitemaps and walk you through creating, submitting, and monitoring them within GSC.

From identifying crawl errors to optimizing your website's indexing, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and best practices to leverage GSC for your website's success. Don't let your website get lost in the vast sea of search results - click through and uncover the secrets to mastering sitemaps and enhancing your online visibility right now!

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Understanding Sitemaps and Their Necessity

A sitemap is a file that provides a roadmap of your website's structure, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index your content. It is an essential aspect of SEO and helps improve your site's visibility online. Considering its significance, creating a sitemap for your website is highly recommended.

Read our Guide to Sitemaps to understand all benefits of Sitemaps.

Sitemaps are submitted to search engines through Google Search Console (GSC), ensuring they stay updated on any website content changes. Using GSC to submit sitemaps, monitor indexation status, and troubleshoot sitemap errors is essential for maintaining and improving your website's SEO performance. Correctly implementing and maintaining your sitemaps in GSC can help your website reach its full potential in search rankings and online visibility.

Can You Create Sitemaps in GSC?

No, you cannot create sitemaps in Google Search Console. Google Search Console is designed to provide insights and reports on website performance, including indexing status and search appearance. It does not offer a feature to create or upload sitemaps. Instead, website owners and webmasters typically use tools like XML Sitemap Generator or Yoast SEO to create and submit sitemaps to Google.

Submitting your Sitemap in GSC

Testing your sitemap before submitting it to Google is a good practice. This can help identify and fix any errors or issues with the sitemap, such as broken links or missing pages. Testing your sitemap can also ensure that all pages on your website are included in the sitemap, which can improve your website's overall visibility and search engine rankings. Several online tools and plugins can help you test your sitemap.

You can test your sitemap in the Search Console before submitting it. This can help you identify any potential issues or errors with the sitemap and ensure that all pages on your website are included. You can use the "Sitemaps" report in the Search Console to test your sitemap and view any errors or warnings that may be present. Once you have ensured your sitemap is error-free, you can submit it to Google through the Search Console.

Steps to Submit Sitemaps to Google Search Console

1. Create and prepare your sitemaps

Before submitting your sitemaps to GSC, ensure they are in a supported format, such as XML or HTML. Create a sitemap index file for larger websites containing links to individual sitemaps. Be sure to prioritize your pages, exclude specific URLs if necessary, and check for any errors, such as 404, using the URL Inspection Tool.

2. Submit your Sitemap

- Click on the 'Sitemaps' option in the left-hand menu to access the Sitemaps page.

- Enter the URL of your first sitemap in the 'Add a new sitemap' field.

- Click on the 'Submit' button to submit the sitemap.

- Repeat these steps for all additional sitemaps you want to submit.

If you have a large website or need to submit more than 50,000 URLs, you can create a sitemap index file to submit all your sitemaps simultaneously. Alternatively, you can submit multiple sitemaps. Create separate sitemaps for your pages based on categories or content type (images, videos, etc.)

Note: Submitting multiple sitemaps enables Google to crawl and index your web pages more efficiently.

Things to Remember when Submitting Sitemaps in GSC

1. Google Search Console sitemap limit: GSC has a limit of 50,000 URLs per sitemap, and you can submit up to 500 sitemaps per website.

2. Can we submit a sitemap in HTML format?: Yes, you can submit an HTML sitemap to GSC, but using the XML format for better crawlability and indexation by Google is recommended.

3. How often to submit sitemaps? Submit your sitemaps whenever there are significant updates or changes to your website. Remember that Google will not immediately index all new URLs submitted through a sitemap, but submitting a sitemap helps inform Google about new or updated content for potential indexing.

4. How long does it take for Google to crawl a sitemap: Google may take several days to weeks to crawl your sitemaps, depending on the size of your website and the number of submitted URLs.

How to Find Sitemaps in GSC?

To find a submitted sitemap in Google Search Console (GSC), log in to your GSC account, select the property you want to view, click on "Sitemaps" in the left-hand menu, and you'll see a list of submitted sitemaps along with their statuses and related data.

Your sitemap Status can be "Success," "Pending," or "Couldn't fetch."

1. Sitemap Status: Success

Google has successfully crawled and processed your sitemap. The search engine has fetched and analyzed the sitemap, identifying the URLs and updated metadata provided. Now Google can crawl and index your site's content more efficiently, improving your site's visibility in search results.

Once your sitemap is successfully submitted, you can see detailed information about your sitemap.

- Use the "Last read" column to see when Google last crawled the sitemap.

- View the "Discovered URLs" column to see the number of URLs submitted and indexed from your sitemap.

2. Sitemap Status: Pending

It means that Google has received your sitemap submission but has not yet processed it. This status typically occurs when you have just submitted a sitemap or made changes to an existing one. Google may take some time to process and crawl the updated sitemap, which is normal.

In most cases, the status will change to "Success" once Google has completed processing your sitemap. It is essential to regularly check the status of your sitemaps to ensure that Google is up-to-date on your website's content.

3. Sitemap Status: Couldn't fetch

If your sitemap status shows as "Couldn't fetch" in Google Search Console, it implies an issue with Google accessing and processing your sitemap. This error could occur for various reasons, such as server errors, incorrect sitemap formatting, or even due to a robots.txt file blocking Googlebot from accessing the sitemap.

To resolve this issue, review your sitemap for errors, ensure it follows the correct XML format, and double-check your robots.txt file to ensure it isn't blocking access. Once you have addressed any potential issues, you can resubmit your sitemap for Google to crawl and process it.

Removing Your Sitemap from Google Search Console

If you need to remove a sitemap from Google Search Console, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Google Search Console account and select the property you want to manage.

2. Click "Sitemaps" in the left-hand Indexing menu to open the Sitemaps page.

3. Locate the sitemap you want to remove from the list of submitted sitemaps.

4. Click on the three vertical dots to the right of the sitemap URL and select "Remove sitemap" from the dropdown menu.

5. Confirm the removal by clicking "Remove" in the confirmation dialog box.

Removing a sitemap will not automatically remove the indexed URLs from Google's search results. If you want to exclude specific URLs from your sitemap or remove them from Google's index, you can use the "URL removal" tool in the Google Search Console.

Monitoring XML Sitemaps Google Search Console

Monitor sitemaps in Google Search Console (GSC) will ensure your website's visibility and indexation on search engines. Regularly checking your sitemaps for errors and keeping them up-to-date can prevent issues such as crawling errors, indexing issues, or declining search engine rankings.

Below we discuss the various steps and methods to undertake while monitoring your sitemaps effectively.

Check Submitted Sitemaps Status in GSC

In your list of submitted sitemaps, ensure the status is marked as "Success." This indicates that Google has successfully crawled and indexed your sitemap.

If your sitemap is not marked as "Success," an issue must be resolved. Some common reasons include XML syntax errors, missing pages, or pages blocked by robots.txt. Work on resolving these issues, and then resubmit your sitemap.

Remember that it can take time for Google to crawl and index your sitemap after submission. Be patient, and monitor the status in GSC to ensure that your pages are correctly indexed.

Can the status of your sitemap change post-submission?

Yes, the status of your sitemap can occasionally change if there are errors or issues detected by the search engine crawlers. It can happen if the sitemap file contains broken links, incorrect URLs, or other issues that prevent the search engine from properly indexing your website. It is essential to regularly monitor the status of your sitemap and make any necessary updates or corrections to ensure that it continues to be effective in helping search engines find and index your content.

Google Search Console will provide notifications and alerts if there are any issues with your sitemap or the status changes from successful to fail. You can also check the status of your sitemap in the Coverage report in Search Console, which will show any errors or warnings related to your sitemap. Regularly check GSC notifications and reports to ensure that your sitemap is functioning correctly and effectively used by search engines.

How to Find Sitemap Crawl Errors?

Navigate to GSC's "Coverage" report to monitor crawl and sitemap errors. This report provides a detailed breakdown of the indexing status of your pages, as well as any errors or issues that may be affecting their visibility in search results.

If your website's coverage report reveals any errors, it's essential to troubleshoot and fix them as soon as possible. Common crawl errors include 404 errors (page not found), parsing errors, or issues related to the URL structure of your pages. Additionally, the "Sitemaps" report in GSC provides insight into the status of your submitted sitemaps, including any errors or issues.

Use URL Inspection Tool to Check the Indexation Status

The URL Inspection Tool is a powerful feature within Google Search Console that allows you to check the indexation status of specific pages on your website. By submitting a URL to this tool, you can quickly determine whether a page is included in your sitemap and if it's being indexed by Google.

To use the URL Inspection Tool, enter the URL of the page you want to analyze in the search bar at the top. The tool will then provide detailed information about the page's indexation status, including whether it's included in your sitemap and if Google has successfully indexed it. If it is included in a sitemap, GSC will give further information like the sitemap name, last processed date, and the number of pages linking to the URL you entered.

Learn more about GSC URL Inspection tool here. 

How to Prioritize Pages in your Sitemap?

When building and optimizing your sitemap, it's essential to prioritize your most important pages so they are crawled and indexed more frequently by search engines. You cannot prioritize importance directly in Google Search Console. You can use the "priority" attribute within your sitemap markup.

The priority attribute is a numerical value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, with higher values indicating a higher priority for crawling and indexing. By assigning a higher priority to your most important pages, you can ensure that search engines like Google pay closer attention to them and prioritize them in search results.

To use the priority attribute in your sitemap, include a "priority" tag for each URL entry, specifying the appropriate value based on the page's importance.

Remember that the priority attribute is only a suggestion to search engines and does not guarantee that your pages will be crawled or indexed at a specific frequency. However, it can help prioritize your most important content and improve its visibility in search results.

Check Sitemap Indexation

Monitoring the indexation status of your URLs submitted through a sitemap is critical to ensure your website is visible in search results. Google Search Console provides several tools to help you view the indexation status and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

To view the indexation status of URLs submitted through a sitemap in the search console, navigate to the "Sitemaps" section in the left-hand menu. This report will display the status of your submitted sitemaps, including the number of URLs indexed out of the total submitted.

If you notice that some or all of your URLs are not being indexed, there could be several reasons for this, such as:

1. XML syntax errors in your sitemap

2. Incorrect sitemap submission

3. Pages blocked by robots.txt

4. Content or quality issues on your pages

Fix these issues, first, check your sitemap for errors using a sitemap validator tool or manually review the XML markup. If there are any errors, correct them and resubmit your sitemap to Google Search Console.

Next, review your robots.txt file to ensure you are not unintentionally blocking your pages from being crawled and indexed. If necessary, update your robots.txt file to allow access to your important pages.

Finally, assess the content and quality of the pages that are not being indexed. Ensure they are unique and valuable and follow Google's Webmaster Guidelines. This may include improving the content, optimizing metadata, or addressing any technical issues on the page.

Updating your GSC Sitemap

Updating your GSC sitemap is essential for maintaining excellent search engine visibility and ensuring a seamless user experience. With numerous factors to consider, such as fixing sitemap errors, unblocking URLs, and updating multiple sitemaps, GSC has become a comprehensive sitemap management platform.

Let us dive deep into the different aspects of sitemap management in GSC.

When & How Often Does Google Search Console Update Sitemaps

Updating your sitemap is essential to keep search engines like Google informed about changes to your website's content and structure. Ideally, you should update your sitemap whenever you make significant changes to your site, such as adding, modifying, or removing pages. This helps Google discover and index your new or updated content more efficiently, improving search rankings and user experience.

Google Search Console does not automatically detect update in teh sitemap. Instead, it relies on your sitemap's information to crawl and index your site. However, Google's crawl rate for your site may vary depending on factors like the size of your website, its crawl budget, and the frequency of content updates. In general, it's a good practice to submit your updated sitemap to Google Search Console whenever significant changes are made to your website's content and structure. This will ensure that Google is aware of these changes and it can adjust its crawl frequency accordingly.

Some content management systems and plugins can automatically update and submit your sitemap to Google Search Console whenever changes are made to your site. Such tools can help you manage your sitemap more effectively and ensure that Google always has the latest information about your site's content.

How to Update Sitemap in GSC?

To update your sitemap in Google Search Console (GSC), follow these steps:

1. Login to your Google Search Console account and select the desired property (website) for which you want to update the sitemap.

2. On the left-hand side menu, click "Sitemaps," which can be found under the "Index" section.

3. In the "Add a new sitemap" input box, enter the URL of your updated sitemap (e.g., and click on the "Submit" button. This will inform Google that your sitemap has been updated and needs to be reprocessed.

4. After submitting your updated sitemap, watch the "Status" column in the "Submitted Sitemaps" section. This area will show whether your sitemap has been successfully processed or if any issues need to be resolved. 

It may take time for Google to process your updated sitemap and reflect any changes.

Regularly updating and submitting your sitemap through GSC ensures that your website's content is accurately indexed and discoverable by Google and other search engines.

Google Search Console Not Updating Sitemap or Why Search Console Sitemap Not Updated

There may be instances when Google Search Console does not update your submitted sitemap or accurately reflect the changes you have made to your website. This can be due to several reasons:

1. Processing time: It can take Google some time to process your updated sitemap, with larger websites potentially taking longer than smaller ones. Be patient and allow Google a couple of days to process the sitemap before taking action.

2. Crawl budget limitations: Google allocates a crawl budget to each website, determining how often and how many pages it will crawl. A site with a limited crawl budget may experience delays in sitemap updates or crawls of new pages.

3. Sitemap errors: If there are errors in your sitemap, such as incorrect syntax, missing URLs, or invalid URLs, Google may not be able to process it correctly. Double-check your sitemap for errors and resubmit it after fixing any issues.

4. Incorrect sitemap submission: Ensure that the sitemap URL submitted to Google Search Console is correct and updated. Sometimes, an outdated or incorrect sitemap URL can cause issues with updates.
identify any issues with your sitemap in Google Search Console, navigate to the "Sitemaps" section, and check the "Status" and "Last read" columns. If there are errors or warnings, click on the relevant sitemap and review the details to help you resolve any issues. Addressing these potential problems ensures your sitemap remains accurate and up-to-date in Google Search Console.

In conclusion, maintaining an accurate and up-to-date sitemap is crucial for ensuring proper website visibility, indexation, and improved search engine rankings. Google Search Console offers a comprehensive set of tools to manage your sitemaps, monitor their status, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. 

Regularly updating your sitemap, addressing potential errors, and prioritizing essential pages can optimize your website's performance in search results and provide a seamless user experience.

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GSC Sitemaps FAQs

Can we submit an HTML sitemap in GSC?

Yes, we can submit an HTML sitemap in Google Search Console (GSC). However, XML sitemaps are preferred as they are specifically designed for search engines, whereas HTML sitemaps are intended for users. XML sitemaps provide more detailed information to search engines and help them crawl and index web pages more efficiently.

How often should I check my sitemap in GSC?

It is recommended to check your sitemap in GSC at least once a month to ensure it is crawled and indexed correctly. However, if you make frequent changes to your website, you should check it more frequently. You can also set up automated alerts in GSC to notify you of any issues with your sitemap.

Can I monitor my sitemap in GSC for multiple websites or domains?

You can monitor sitemaps for multiple websites or domains in GSC by adding them as separate properties in your account. Once you have added them, you can navigate to each property's Sitemaps section to monitor and submit sitemaps for each website or domain.

About The Author

James Gibbons

James Gibbons is the Senior Customer Success Manager at Quattr. He has 10 years of experience in SEO and has worked with multiple agencies, brands, and B2B companies. He has helped clients scale organic and paid search presence to find hidden growth opportunities. James writes about all aspects of SEO: on-page, off-page, and technical SEO.

About Quattr

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