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Google RankBrain Algorithm & Its SEO Implications

James Gibbons

Learn How Google's RankBrain Affects Your SEO Strategy

Google RankBrain Algorithm Update

Google's primary objective is to deliver the most relevant search results to its users. When users type in a query, Google's algorithms work to understand and provide the most pertinent results. It involves determining which sites appear first and which have the most relevant content.

Google RankBrain is an artificial intelligence (AI) system that handles ambiguous queries and understands user intent more effectively. It optimizes the search experience by comprehending what users are looking for and delivering results that match their query intent rather than just matching keywords.

There is still much to learn about RankBrain's exact workings and its impact on page rankings. This blog explores the RankBrain update and provides actionable insights on optimizing your web pages to align with it.

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Google RankBrain Explained

RankBrain is a machine learning artificial intelligence system used by Google to help process its search results. It is one of the "Hummingbird" updates that Google introduced in 2013 and has been in use since at least 2015. 

RankBrain uses artificial intelligence to interpret the searches of users and to help determine the best results to show for those searches. Google uses the rank brain to better understand the intent of search queries and provide better answers to those queries.

Google created the RankBrain update to parse through ambiguous queries. Instead, it examines every search query, processes it, and then recommends the most relevant search results to show on the SERPs. But, it does so in a completely different way than previous algorithms did. 

The RankBrain update is an extension to the 2013 Hummingbird algorithm update. Google introduced the RankBrain update in October 2015. It helps improve the algorithm's performance by understanding users' intentions better. 

Hummingbird Update v/s RankBrain Algorithm Update

Google launched the Hummingbird update in September 2013 and the RankBrain in October 2015. Google's Hummingbird update improves its understanding of searchers' intent instead of just their keywords.

Google achieved this by using semantic search techniques that consider the entire sentence or paragraph rather than individual keywords.

RankBrain is a machine learning algorithm that uses artificial intelligence to improve Google's understanding of search queries. It helps Google deal with the increasing complexity of queries, which can now include long, complex phrases and questions that don't have straightforward answers.

The Hummingbird update and RankBrain help improve Google's ability to provide relevant results for searchers. However, they achieve this goal in different ways.

The Hummingbird update uses semantic search techniques to better understand a searcher's intent, while RankBrain uses machine learning to understand the meaning of a search query.

RankBrain can also learn and adapt over time, allowing it to understand ever-changing search trends and queries better.

Overall, the Hummingbird update and RankBrain help improve Google's ability to provide relevant results for searchers. However, RankBrain has a more significant impact on search results.

Understanding the Google RankBrain Update

Google's RankBrain technology is revolutionizing the way we search the web. By using machine learning to interpret searcher intent, RankBrain helps Google deliver better, more accurate results to users. 

To make sense of complex and ambiguous search queries, RankBrain analyzes the questioning, trying to discover what the user wants. Then, it checks the user's location, current search trends, and historical data to determine which results to show on the SERPs. 

RankBrain algorithm works by analyzing patterns in searcher behavior. One key aspect of the RankBrain update is that it doesn't just focus on keywords. The algorithm determines search intent, location, current trends, and user search history to deliver the most relevant results. Multiple factors ensure that the results Google generates for a user query by a unique user are distinct, relevant, and helpful to that particular user.

For example, if a user types in "Olympics location," RankBrain can consider various variables, such as the quality of content, the number of links a piece of content has earned, user location, and content freshness, to deliver more accurate results. As a result, Google can determine that most people looking up "Olympics location" are searching for the location of the upcoming Olympics. 

In addition, RankBrain can help Google deliver results more tailored to the user's needs. For instance, if a user is in an Olympic city at the time of the games, RankBrain might deliver driving directions to the pavilion rather than the location of the upcoming games. 

Since Google implemented the original RankBrain algorithm, there have been various updates to the algorithm that have made it even more intelligent and accurate. With each update, the algorithm has become even more robust in understanding users' queries and delivering the most relevant results.

RankBrain algorithm is still a work in progress, but its capacity to interpret searcher intent is becoming increasingly important to Google's core search algorithm. To see how RankBrain performs, observe how often Google delivers results matching your queries.

History & Evolution of the RankBrain

To understand the necessity of Google's RankBrain update, we must consider the evolution of web search.

Archie was the first web search engine created in 1990. It simply searched through files on FTP servers that were publicly accessible. In 1994, Yahoo became one of the first modern search engines, allowing users to submit URLs for inclusion in its index using a directory structure.

In 1995, WebCrawler was developed to use links to determine the importance of a website—the more links a site had, the higher it appeared in search results. In 1998, Google was founded and introduced the PageRank algorithm, which used links and other factors, such as the frequency of specific words on a page, to determine a website's significance.

Early versions of Google's algorithm were relatively simple. However, over time, Google introduced more sophisticated features, including the Hummingbird algorithm in 2013 and the RankBrain update in 2015. RankBrain is a machine learning algorithm that uses artificial intelligence to understand the meaning of queries and determine the best results for users.

The RankBrain update significantly impacted search results, enabling the algorithm to interpret queries never seen before accurately. Consequently, website rankings have shifted dramatically, with some previously prominent sites being pushed lower in search results.

RankBrain is still evolving, continually updated and improved. As it becomes more sophisticated, its impact on search results will grow.

Why did Google introduce RankBrain?

RankBrain was created to work with today's complex search queries. With today's rise of mobile devices, voice search, and the increase in the use of long-tail keywords, previous methods of generating search results were insufficient.

RankBrain was designed to help Google understand the intent of these complex queries. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to better understand the relationships between words and concepts. RankBrain helps Google match the user's search intent with the most relevant search results.

The main goal of RankBrain is to improve user experience. The new algorithm is more efficient than previous versions by learning from the user behavior and making better search results recommendations. 

RankBrain is also very effective in combating spam and improving the accuracy of search results. Since its launch in late 2015, RankBrain has become one of the three most important ranking signals for Google search results.

How does Google RankBrain work?

Now that we have a basic understanding of what RankBrain is and what it does let's take a closer look at how it works.

RankBrain is a machine learning algorithm that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to learn from data. It does this by using a process called "training."

RankBrain is constantly learning and adapting to changes in the way people search. Meaning that the search results that it shows for a particular query may be different today than they were yesterday or last week.

RankBrain has two main jobs:

1. Interpreting search queries

RankBrain can understand synonyms and related phrases. For example, if someone searches for "chrome," RankBrain will also show results for "google chrome," "Chromebook," and "chrome cast." Thus, even if users are not specific with their search query, Google will automatically interpret it for them and show the most relevant results. 

RankBrain can also solve complex queries. For example, if someone searches for "best laptops for students," RankBrain will understand that they are looking for a list of the best laptops for students. It will then rank the results based on the most relevant and useful websites for that query. RankBrain update assists in how search queries will be interpreted by measuring how people interact with the results.

2. Measuring user satisfaction

RankBrain measures how people interact with the search results, such as how long people stay on a page, whether they click on a result, and how often they return to Google to search for the same thing again.

RankBrain takes all this data when ranking the results for a particular query. It then uses this data to determine which search results are the most valuable and relevant for people.

Some of the factors that RankBrain takes into account include the following:

1. The title of the web page

2. The meta description of the web page

3. The number of links to the web page

4. The relevance of the content on the web page

5. The authority of the website

6. The location of the website

What Signals does RankBrain Consider?

RankBrain is a machine-learning artificial intelligence system that helps Google's search engine understand search queries better. According to Google, it is now the third-most important ranking factor on the search engine. To ensure that users receive the best answers to their search queries, Google considers a wide range of signals when deciding which search results to show at the top of the search engine results page (SERP).

RankBrain looks at users’ search history and interprets their words to understand the query's intent better. It then uses its findings to determine which web pages should appear in the search results, prioritizing those that best match the user’s query. It includes signals such as content relevance, the popularity of the webpage, traffic to the webpage, and how users interact with it. 

In addition to these standard signals, RankBrain also looks at more complex signals such as natural language understanding, user behavior, and user satisfaction to determine which webpages are the most relevant for the user’s query. For instance, RankBrain may consider the user’s location, the words used in the search query, and the time of day. It ensures that users get the most accurate and relevant query results.

Google also considers other signals such as page layout, loading speed, mobile optimization, backlinks, etc. By considering all of these signals, RankBrain can provide users with the best search results.

The algorithm is equipped to learn from past search queries and user behavior. It, thus, allows it to understand ambiguous questions better and deliver more accurate search results. The algorithm considers a variety of factors to determine which results to show.

Pages that rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) are typically most relevant to the user's search query and provide a great user experience. Ranking factors can vary depending on the particular search engine algorithm in use but typically include a variety of factors, such as the ones stated above, along with user experience.

RankBrain & SEO

RankBrain is a significant ranking factor for Google, and it can affect a website's position in SERPs in two ways. 

Firstly, RankBrain can help Google to understand the intent of searchers' queries better and to rank websites accordingly. It is because RankBrain can learn from the search queries that users type into Google and the results they click. As a result, RankBrain update means your web page & SEO efforts need to align with user search intents and not just individual search queries.

Secondly, RankBrain can help to improve the overall quality of Google's search results. RankBrain can filter out low-quality websites and pages from Google's search results. As a result, RankBrain can help ensure that Google's search results are high-quality and relevant to the user's query.

The biggest misconception about the RankBrain update is that it only affects how Google handles long-tail keywords. While it impacts long-tail keywords, it affects all search queries.

The RankBrain algorithm can read and understand search queries better than Hummingbird. Since the RankBrain update rolled out, Google has become more aggressive with its penalties and penalizes sites that are not optimized for mobile devices.

The RankBrain update makes Google's algorithm more efficient and accurate and shows users more relevant results. Since mobile searches have increased, Google expects web admins to have a mobile-friendly website, if not a mobile-first approach.

How Important is Rankbrain Algorithm?

In today's digital landscape, ranking high in search engine results is crucial for business success. Understanding the significance of RankBrain, Google's artificial intelligence system for understanding and processing search queries, is vital. RankBrain represents Google's first use of machine learning in its algorithms, which is fundamental in delivering relevant search results.

RankBrain allows Google to consider the user's intent behind a search query, leading to more accurate results. Google has identified RankBrain as one of its top three ranking factors. Therefore, creating high-quality content and employing solid SEO practices are essential for achieving high rankings in search engine results.

RankBrain's importance in modern search engines cannot be overstated. Its machine-learning technology will continue to evolve, providing opportunities for businesses to stay ahead of the competition. By adopting the right strategies, you can ensure your website remains optimized for ongoing improvements in search results.

How to Optimize for RankBrain?

Optimizing your website for RankBrain is becoming increasingly important to ensure your content gets noticed. Here are seven key strategies to help you get the most out of RankBrain and effectively optimize your content for ranking:

1. Use Natural Language: Writing in a natural, conversational tone is the best way to ensure RankBrain understands your content. Read your content aloud and ensure it sounds like something a human would say.

2. Search Intent Optimization: Look at the top-ranking pages for the keyword you want to rank for in the SERPs. These pages rank because Google understands that this is the type of content a searcher seeks.

3. Strengthen Relevance: Create comprehensive content that covers all possible topic variations, and you will ultimately rank for more keywords. It will help make the page more authoritative.

4. Improve Click-Through Rate: Writing exceptional title tags and meta descriptions is essential for RankBrain, as it looks at how many clicks you get from the search results. Use emotions and numbers, brackets, or parentheses to help make your title stand out.

5. Quality Over Quantity: Focus on creating long-form content that can be optimized around many phrases or terms rather than writing separate posts for each keyword.

6. Improve Visitors On-Page Interactions: UX signals such as time on page and pogo-sticking will help RankBrain understand which pages are good. Break up the text, use titles, create an engaging introductory paragraph, use images and videos, answer questions, and create content that answers all the questions a user may have about the topic.

7. Improve & Optimize Old Content: If you have older content that hasn’t been optimized for RankBrain, determine which post has the highest traffic, backlinks, and ranking, and make that your primary post. Then merge the content from the other posts and do a 301 redirect. Regular content optimization ensures that search engines see your content as relevant and fresh.

By following these seven tips, you can ensure your website is optimized for RankBrain and take full advantage of the SERPs. Taking the time to craft great content that users stay on will send strong signals to RankBrain.

The Quattr platform can help you stay on top of search engine updates by providing you with up-to-date analytics about your website's performance and visibility within the search engines. It can also provide automated keyword reports, competitor analysis tools, A/B testing tools, SEO audit tools, and more that can help you optimize your website for better visibility and rankings. With the Quattr platform, you can receive personalized tips and advice to make the most out of your SEO strategy.

Improve Ranking with Google RankBrain

The Google RankBrain update is one of the most impactful algorithm updates Google has implemented. It enhances Google's ability to handle long-tail keywords and deliver more accurate, relevant search results.

With RankBrain, the algorithm provides better search engine results page (SERP) outcomes for user queries, prompting increased optimization efforts from webmasters. Understanding how RankBrain works and its influence on SERPs is crucial. Once you comprehend the algorithm's mechanics and key considerations, you can optimize your content to achieve higher rankings.

Optimizing pages based on user search intent can be challenging, especially with multiple web pages. An SEO platform like Quattr can analyze all your pages and provide actionable suggestions to improve your content and website performance. Its sandbox environment allows you to test changes in content and compare the performance against competitors.

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Google RankBrain FAQs

What is Google RankBrain?

Google RankBrain is a machine learning artificial intelligence system used by Google to help process search results and provide search users with more relevant results. It is used to interpret and process search queries, understand user intent, and provide more relevant search results to the user.

Is Google RankBrain the same as Google Page Rank?

Page Rank is a metric that Google uses to determine the importance of a website. It measures the number and quality of links to a website. RankBrain, on the other hand, is a machine learning algorithm that Google uses to determine the relevance of a website. So, while they are related, they are not the same thing.

Why is RankBrain Important in SEO?

RankBrain is essential for SEO because it helps Google’s algorithms understand user search intent and deliver more relevant results. With RankBrain, Google can better understand the context of a query and not just the words used. This helps Google better match the user’s expectations with the search results. Ultimately, leveraging RankBrain helps optimize web pages for better rankings and improved visibility on search engine results pages.

About The Author

James Gibbons

James Gibbons is the Senior Customer Success Manager at Quattr. He has 10 years of experience in SEO and has worked with multiple agencies, brands, and B2B companies. He has helped clients scale organic and paid search presence to find hidden growth opportunities. James writes about all aspects of SEO: on-page, off-page, and technical SEO.

About Quattr

Quattr is an innovative and fast-growing venture-backed company based in Palo Alto, California USA. We are a Delaware corporation that has raised over $7M in venture capital. Quattr's AI-first platform evaluates like search engines to find opportunities across content, experience, and discoverability. A team of growth concierge analyze your data and recommends the top improvements to make for faster organic traffic growth. Growth-driven brands trust Quattr and are seeing sustained traffic growth.

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